WordPress SEO by Yoast vs All In One Seo Pack

WordpressSEO1All of my wordpress websites are powered by WordPress SEO exept my blog (strange…) A year ago I find nulled version of All In One Seo Pack Pro and use it but never remind myself that this plugins was not updated any more (may be because it’s nulled), but I understand that my version is from 2011 year. Today I decide to read about those two plugins, and understand that WordPress SEO by Yoast uses new SEO methods which are modern compared with All in one seo pack.

So .. now i disable the all in one plugin and run the new wordpress seo because of all those writings for it. So the time will show is it so good!

And one good quote for this post :

Its simple:
If you are moderate-advanced user of wordpress and want to spend extra time for seo try yoast plugin.

or, for new-advanced users with auto seo without much effort try all in one seo pack.