Nikolay is a very knowledgeable and driven individual who always strives to achieve and learn more. I’ve been working with Nikolay for over 2 years now and he has left nothing but positive impressions with his prompt answers and problem-solving skills.
What probably resonates most, is Nikolay’s pro-activeness- he evaluates risk and plans contingencies to make sure his work is flawless. I’d strongly recommend Nikolay to any future employer.

Nikolay provided IT support to the finance department in a prompt and professional manner. He also implemented a software that streamlined the purchase order process in the company.

Nikolay is a well connected professional that always takes the time to support anyone is his network. He has a very impressive background and profile and I recommend Nikolay as a expert to connect with and consider for anything appropriate.

Nikolay was focused on his work and was able to tackle each issue with due priority. He sent enough feedback when managing the systems and would also help with troubleshooting different problems.He is an interesting character but that does not impede his work and he maintains high working standards and shows very good knowledge in (but not limited to) his field. Overall, I am very satisfied with our working relationship!

Working with professionals is a pleasure, and I have been fortunate to work with Nikolay. Positive, result oriented with great sense of humour.

I met Nikolay while I was working as senior web developer at First Online Solutions. From his first day at the company I was sure that that will do a great job together… another Manchester United fan at the team! Always focused and ready to help anyone of the team, he becomes our best sysadmin mate. Even under stress, you can always rely on him spending a few minutes with you and give completely different approach of problem solving.
It’s amazing to work with such a person!

Easy to work, smart and extremely helpful. He knows his field and acts as expert when needed. Always there to solve a problem and look into it. Focused on a win-win solutions. I’d highly recommend to everyone.

Nikolay is always smiling and positive, works really quick and it was pleasure for me to work with him. I was calm that if I had any difficulties he would always be there to help. Great colleague and friend!
Not the first time I’m saying this in front of a larger audience but anyway.. Nikolay is our Terminal superhero/superman/all-other-marvel-characters combined in a single Capricorn 🙂 I’m more than happy to have him in my team for a second time. From a management perspective – he’s an awesome, easy-going professional with serious opensource influences, console “addiction“ and sharp, tech-oriented mind, full of ideas and solutions. Great headhunt for us and probably for all companies suffering from various IT phobias. Quick note for all, hungry HR wolfs – we’ll not give him away without a fight:)
In other words – top expertise and dependable colleague / adviser (professional and socialwise).
He is probably the best linux administrator that I was working with. He can work under pressure and always uses the latest technology . Person you can count on 24/7 .
It is a real pleasure to work with such a professional like him!
Nikolay did an exceptional job on the recent project. He is a fantastic person to work with. Multi-skilled, intelligent, careful and responsible Web Administrator – that’s him! Works towards maximal customer satisfaction. He is an asset to any company.
It has been a privilege to work with Nikolay at GIO. He is skilled administrator that works hard and doesn’t stop until the job is done.
Nikolay has loads of experience and will be invaluable asset to any organisation!
Nikolay is a very communicative, results oriented and trustworthy person. Every time our company had a problem with our hosting environment he managed to provide an implementable advice or direct solution of the problem within minutes. He is skilled Linux administrator, has extensive knowledge and implements new technologies for your company with an ease. I would recommend his consulting services or work to any company that needs a secure and reliable server environment.
Благодаря на случайността,че ме срещна с това прекрасно момче-Николай!Но както знаем случайни неща -няма!Той ми подаде ръка в труден момент ,без дори да ме познава!Без негова помощ нямаше как да се появи на бял свят моя прекрасен уеб сайт!Най-ценното в цялата ситуация е ,че аз намерих приятел!За това едно голямо БЛАГОДАРЯ ,за търпението,за отзивчивостта,за професионализма,за доверието и за още много ценни МАЛКИ неща които правят това момче ГОЛЯМ човек!
Ники, желая ти от все сърце здраве,много успехи и дни пълни с обич и разбирателство!
I enjoyed working with Nikolay. He is an all-round expert in his field, yet always keen on learning new skills. A friendly colleague, but at the same time a loyal employee and always puts what’s good for the job first. I’d recommend him highly to anybody.
Nikolay is one of the best Windows/Linux administrators I had the pleasure and the opportunity to work with. We have remained friends and continued staying in touch even after I have left the company. I would consider him a significant asset to whatever company he is working for.
Very technically-apt engineer with a wide skillset and a highly responsible attitude.Open source-oriented mindset and experience guarantee for financially effectiveand highly-redundant infrastructure management with reliance on proven enterprise-class technologies.Nikolay is a good team player and a pleasure to work with.
Very skillful person, very loyal. I’ve had the pleasure of working with him. He has never rejected a request for help. Great colleague and person.
Nikolay was great system administrator. Always there for the people.
I will recommend Nikolay Nikolov as a system administrator for any company which would like to have a diamond among the team. A person with strong system administration skills and good programming skills. I personally learned a lot from him.