clipbucket seo url cyrillic loop problem
I’m Bulgarian, and I use clipbucket for my video sharing website. I found one strange problem with SEO urls when the video title is in cyrillic , there is loop when I open the link and nothing works. With english urls all is ok.
Today I found the solution for this problem.
First you must install this plugin in your clipbucket website and activate it.
Than go to root directory of your clipbucket site and open watch_video.php , find the code :
$server_link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
and replace it with code :
$server_link = urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
Then go to admin panel and activate SEO links.
For my website now everything works perfect! 🙂
I use this friendly forum for my solution.
Sunday March 31st, 2013 @ 05:29
Полезно колега. Благодарско! :))))))))))