[check_cpanel_rpms] Altered RPMs found on

check_cpanel_rpms Altered RPMs found onПривет,

Днес се натъкнах на много странен мейл отнасящ се за един от сървърите ни – CentOS 7 с WHM. MySQL-а неможеше да се обнови поради някаква грешка . Ето и мейла :



[check_cpanel_rpms] Altered RPMs found on “linux.server.org”.
The system detected problems with the following cPanel-provided files that the RPM controls:

RPM Status Additional Information
MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148 Missing

If you did not make these changes intentionally, execute the following command as the root user to correct them:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms –fix

This notice is the result of a request from “rpmcheck”.This notice was generated on “Friday, October 9, 2015” at “4:39:09 AM UTC”.

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/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix

, дава грешка и неможе да продължи :

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root@alexbg01 [~]# /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100]
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] Problems were detected with cPanel-provided files which are RPM controlled.
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] If you did not make these changes intentionally, you can correct them by running:
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100]
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] > /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] The following RPMs are missing from your system:
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148
[2015-10-09 09:02:35 +0100] Removing 0 broken rpms:
[2015-10-09 09:02:35 +0100] rpm: no packages given for erase
[2015-10-09 09:02:36 +0100] Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/11.48/centos/7/x86_64/rpm.sha512
[2015-10-09 09:02:36 +0100] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2015-10-09 09:02:37 +0100] MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2015-10-09 09:02:37 +0100] Disabling service monitoring.
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Hooks system enabled.
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'pre' hooks for any RPMs about to be installed
warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/premysqlup" is not executable
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] All required 'pre' hooks have been run
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] No RPMS need to be uninstalled
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Installing new rpms: MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64.rpm
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Preparing packages...
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Some previous upgrade was not finished:
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] -rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 139 Jul 14 10:48 /var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Please check its status, then do
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] rm /var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] before repeating the MySQL upgrade.
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] error: %pre(MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] error: MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64: install failed
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] error: MySQL55-server-5.5.42-4.cp1148.x86_64: erase skipped
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] W Error Code: 1
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] E The following possible errors were detected while installing RPMs:
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] E %pre(MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1 MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64 MySQL55-server-5.5.42-4.cp1148.x86_64
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Hooks system enabled.
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'post' hooks for any RPMs about to be installed
warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/postmysqlinstall" is not executable
warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/postmysqlup" is not executable
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] All required 'post' hooks have been run
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Restoring service monitoring.
root@alexbg01 [~]# /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix [2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] [2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] Problems were detected with cPanel-provided files which are RPM controlled. [2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] If you did not make these changes intentionally, you can correct them by running: [2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] [2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] > /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix [2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] The following RPMs are missing from your system: [2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148 [2015-10-09 09:02:35 +0100] Removing 0 broken rpms: [2015-10-09 09:02:35 +0100] rpm: no packages given for erase [2015-10-09 09:02:36 +0100] Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/11.48/centos/7/x86_64/rpm.sha512 [2015-10-09 09:02:36 +0100] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release). [2015-10-09 09:02:37 +0100] MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64.rpm already downloaded [2015-10-09 09:02:37 +0100] Disabling service monitoring. [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Hooks system enabled. [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'pre' hooks for any RPMs about to be installed warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/premysqlup" is not executable [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] All required 'pre' hooks have been run [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] No RPMS need to be uninstalled [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Installing new rpms: MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64.rpm [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Preparing packages... [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Some previous upgrade was not finished: [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] -rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 139 Jul 14 10:48 /var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Please check its status, then do [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] rm /var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] before repeating the MySQL upgrade. [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] error: %pre(MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1 [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] error: MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64: install failed [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] error: MySQL55-server-5.5.42-4.cp1148.x86_64: erase skipped [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] W Error Code: 1 [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] E The following possible errors were detected while installing RPMs: [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] E %pre(MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1 MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64 MySQL55-server-5.5.42-4.cp1148.x86_64 [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Hooks system enabled. [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'post' hooks for any RPMs about to be installed warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/postmysqlinstall" is not executable warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/postmysqlup" is not executable [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] All required 'post' hooks have been run [2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Restoring service monitoring.
root@alexbg01 [~]# /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100]
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] Problems were detected with cPanel-provided files which are RPM controlled.
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] If you did not make these changes intentionally, you can correct them by running:
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100]
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] > /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] The following RPMs are missing from your system:
[2015-10-09 09:02:25 +0100] MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148
[2015-10-09 09:02:35 +0100] Removing 0 broken rpms:
[2015-10-09 09:02:35 +0100] rpm: no packages given for erase
[2015-10-09 09:02:36 +0100] Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/11.48/centos/7/x86_64/rpm.sha512
[2015-10-09 09:02:36 +0100] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2015-10-09 09:02:37 +0100] MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2015-10-09 09:02:37 +0100] Disabling service monitoring.
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Hooks system enabled.
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'pre' hooks for any RPMs about to be installed
warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/premysqlup" is not executable
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] All required 'pre' hooks have been run
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] No RPMS need to be uninstalled
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Installing new rpms: MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64.rpm
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Preparing packages...
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Some previous upgrade was not finished:
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] -rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 139 Jul 14 10:48 /var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Please check its status, then do
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] rm /var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] before repeating the MySQL upgrade.
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] error: %pre(MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] error: MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64: install failed
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] error: MySQL55-server-5.5.42-4.cp1148.x86_64: erase skipped
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] W Error Code: 1
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] E The following possible errors were detected while installing RPMs:
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] E %pre(MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1 MySQL55-server-5.5.45-1.cp1148.x86_64 MySQL55-server-5.5.42-4.cp1148.x86_64
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Hooks system enabled.
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'post' hooks for any RPMs about to be installed
warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/postmysqlinstall" is not executable
warn [check_cpanel_rpms] program "/scripts/postmysqlup" is not executable
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] All required 'post' hooks have been run
[2015-10-09 09:02:38 +0100] Restoring service monitoring.

Решението е кратко, бързо и лесно :

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root@alexbg01 [~]# rm /var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER
rm: remove regular file ‘/var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER’? y
root@alexbg01 [~]# rm /var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER rm: remove regular file ‘/var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER’? y
root@alexbg01 [~]# rm /var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER
rm: remove regular file ‘/var/lib/mysql/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER’? y

И след това отново пуснах :

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/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix

и всичко мина нормално! 🙂

Това е!